Sometimes life flows effortlessly, and sometimes it doesn’t. We’ve all been there. The reasons can be varied: unresolved issues, old patterns, and lingering stories that weigh us down. They make life difficult for us These challenges often persist—until we confront them, find new ways to handle them, and ultimately grow stronger and more confident.
We’ll work together to identify pain points, address frustrations, and clear obstacles so that they transform into resources for positive change. I’ll be by your side on this journey—committed, open, and curious. If that sounds like you, we’ll connect quickly in coaching and psychological counseling. I promise.
always moving forward, no setbacks
essential in a business context and in private life
when things no longer align, there is a crisis
When we approach life with openness and curiosity, everything naturally finds its place.
Let’s face your challenges head-on—there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Whoever asks the better questions gets the better answers.
Your story is unique – together, we will find the right solution for every challenge.
As an experienced psychologist in Zurich, I see every challenge as an opportunity for positive change. Through coaching and psychological counseling in Zurich, I help you transform burdensome experiences and old patterns, integrating them into your life’s journey. I am curious about what has been and what is yet to come.
Because something already connects us – curiosity. Together, we will develop new perspectives and leverage your existing strengths to shift your thoughts and behaviors in the desired direction. My goal is to help you sustainably integrate these changes into your daily life and strengthen you within your personal system.
With my strong psychological background, I bring in-depth expertise to the table. Coaching in Zurich means working together to develop solutions tailored to your specific needs.
With years of experience in the private sector and business consulting, I am well-acquainted with complex challenges in a professional context. Whether it’s personal struggles or career decisions, I guide you with knowledge and empathy on your unique journey.
Psychology in Zurich provides evidence-based methods to help you achieve your personal goals. My approach combines psychological expertise with practical strategies that you can seamlessly integrate into your daily life.
If you are looking for support in challenging life situations or want to develop your personal and professional potential, I am here to help.
Self-employed psychologist
MAS Coaching & Organizational Consulting, ZHAW Zurich
Senior Consultant, People & HR Advisory, Horvath & Partners
Various project functions, Allianz Suisse
Psychologist, Swiss Armed Forces
Psychology studies, University of Zurich & Kings College London
I am part of a greater network of skilled colleagues and will connect you upon request.
I am happy to offer online sessions as well sessions at my practice in Zurich City
Nach den Sternen greifen? Träume wagen? Alte Zöpfe abschneiden? Persönliche Entwicklung bedeutet, Ihr volles Potential zu kennen und zu entfalten.
Ich begleite Sie, wenn Sie Ihre Stärken (wieder-)entdecken, über sich hinauswachsen und alte Muster und Blockaden überwinden wollen. Gemeinsam planen wir Ihren Weg und gestalten die Umsetzung
Manchmal bahnen sie sich fast unbemerkt an. Manchmal treffen Sie uns unerwartet mit grosser Wucht. Sie verunsichern, belasten, hemmen. Krisen sind Wendepunkte, die uns oft überfordern. Sie bieten aber auch Chance zur Neuorientierung.
Ich unterstütze Sie, damit Sie gestärkt aus der Krise hervorgehen. Wir ordnen ein und um. Wir priorisieren neu und suchen Einsichten, die beflügeln. Wir erarbeiten Strategien und lernen Ihre Ressourcen kennen, die Sie zukünftig nutzen können.
Beziehungen prägen unser Leben, sie können sowohl Quelle grosser Erfüllung als auch Ursache für Konflikte und Unsicherheiten sein. Sie erfüllen, beflügeln, begeistern. Oder sie rauben uns Energie und lassen uns zweifeln.
Mit wem, wie, warum, wohin und dann? In unseren Sessions ordnen wir ein und verschaffen uns Klarheit über Ihre Beziehungsdynamiken. Ich entwickle mit Ihnen Optionen, die Ihren Bedürfnissen entsprechen – Ihre Beziehungen sollen Sie so gestalten können, dass sie zu Ihnen passen und Ihnen gut tun.
Some crises sneak up on us quietly, while others hit with overwhelming force. They unsettle us, weigh us down, and block our progress. Yet, crises also offer a chance for reorientation and growth.
I’m here to support you emerge from crises stronger and more grounded. Together, we’ll reorganize, reprioritize, and seek the insights needed to move forward. We’ll also uncover and strengthen the resources that will support you in the future.
Relationships are the foundation of our lives—they can be a source of joy and inspiration, or they can drain us and cause self-doubt. They uplift, energize, and connect us, or sometimes they deplete us.
Who, how, why, and where do we connect? In our sessions, we’ll explore and clarify the dynamics of your relationships. We’ll work together to create options that meet your needs so you can shape relationships that genuinely suit and nurture you.
Want to reach for the stars? Dare to dream? reak free from old habits? Personal growth is about recognizing and developing your full potential.
I’ll support you in rediscovering your strengths, breaking through old barriers, and exceeding your own expectations. Together, we’ll map out your path and turn your aspirations into action.